About Us

To unite and organize the people belonging to the North Indian States, people who have connections with the North Indian States across North America under single umbrella with the goal of preserving their cultural heritage, to identify and address social, cultural and educational needs of North American’s representing the North Indian states.

“UPASNA” – Uttareeya Pradesh Antarashtriya Samiti of North America, translates to International Association of North Indian States of North America, is the largest North Indian non-profit 501(c)(3) organization in North America. Founded in Dallas, TX by North Indians across North America, UPASNA was incorporated as a non-political, non-religious and non-profit organization in 2013. UPASNA’s mission is to unite and organize the people belonging to the North Indian States, people who have connections with the North Indian States across North America under single umbrella with the goal of preserving their cultural heritage, to identify and address social, cultural and educational needs of North IndianAmerican.

UPASNA’s foundation lies in the North Indians and shall always be in pursuit of useful and essential projects in literacy, education, sanitation, disease prevention, health improvement and rehabilitation.UPASNA will be committed to sustaining and promoting our culture and heritage, supporting the society we live in and reinforcing our future generation with meaningful values. We strive to keep our rich culture and heritage alive through various religious events, social and educational activities and cultural programs throughout the year.

Every year UPASNA will also be involved in community service in North America such aspreparing kids for college via college planning seminar, presenting scholarships to college going students,training kids in music and arts, etc.There will be other different charitable activities like donation drive, environmental clean-up, charity walk, fund raising for various organizations, serving food for the homeless, packing food at the food bank, etc.

UPASNA’s attempt is to bring the community together and keep them actively involved in various social events throughout the year – whether it is Deepawali, Holi, Teej,Eid, UPASNA Day, etc. Our mission is to promote a harmonious blend of our diverse culture and rich values with today’s hi-tech, fast-paced, success-driven way of life, with a view to nurturing well-balanced, exemplary new generations, who will continue to be role models and enrich the world in greater measure.


  • Preserve and promote the cultural & social heritage of north Indian (Hindi speaking) states of Bharat (Republic of India).
  • Encourage its members to actively engage in philanthropic activities.
  • Foster friendship and understanding among the people from Indian subcontinent of different linguistic and geographical territories.


  • UPASNA shall promote friendly international relations and understanding of united India through educational, charitable and cultural activities.
  • UPASNA shall serve and fulfill the educational, cultural, and social needs of Indian Diaspora.
  • UPASNA shall coordinate and cooperate with other community organizations in programs and activities of mutual interest.
  • UPASNA shall promote Indo-American goodwill and understanding through educational and cultural exchanges.
  • UPASNA shall raise funds by soliciting, and collecting donations either directly or in cooperation with other not-for-profit organizations for cultural, educational, and charitable purposes form individuals, corporations, foundations or/and grants.
  • UPASNA all act as a spokesperson for the community.

Become a Life Member of UPASNA today and join a community of successful professionals and entrepreneurs working together to preserve their culture and serve the society!

UPASNA is committed to serve the community with various Events and Services


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Copyright ©2025 Uttareeya Pradesh Antarashtriya Samiti of North America


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