UPASNA Care Samiti (UCS)

UPASNA Care Samiti’s (UCS) objective is to help UPASNA members, the Indian community in US, and the underserved segments of population in both India and US.

Kids: UCS provides a platform (with other relevant organizations) for UPASNA kids to benefit the underprivileged kids in US by mentoring/tutoring them, and in turn benefiting from the experience.

Young adults: UCS fosters an environment for meaningful and safe interaction between young adults of UPASNA heritage (members or non-members) looking for companionship and life partners.

Elders: UCS connects elderly (UPASNA members or non-members) with others in their age group and with younger generation to tackle the loneliness epidemic.

All: UCS arranges yoga, meditation, etc. programs for UPASNA members to enhance overall wellbeing.

Charity: Oversee all charity activities in UPASNA, (UPASNA contributes in kind; no monetary contributions.)

-Partner with other local and international charity organizations for charity events.
-Conduct food, clothes, shelter, etc. aid activities for poor and suffering, both in India and US.


UCS: dfwucs@upasna.org


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Copyright ©2024 Uttareeya Pradesh Antarashtriya Samiti of North America


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