
Francis of Assisi has rightly said: “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

UPASNA history is not much different from what Francis of Assisi had said. UPASNA was born in 2012 with a simple idea of Preserving the Culture, Securing the Language & Serving the Community of Indian origin. UPASNA is one of the biggest organization of its type in the whole North America. UPASNA is an initiative to unite and organize people, across North America, under a single umbrella for anyone with direct or indirect associations with the heritage of Northern India. Our goal is to preserve, inculcate and transfer the rich heritage, as well as identify and address social, cultural and educational needs of North American North-Indians.

‘UPASNA’ – Uttareeya Pradesh Antarashtriya Samiti of North America, translates to International Association of North Indian States of North America, is the largest North Indian non-profit 501 (c)(3). UPASNA was incorporated as a non-political, non-religious and non-profit organization. UPASNA’s foundation lies in the North Indians and shall always be in pursuit of useful and essential projects in literacy, education, sanitation, disease prevention, health improvement and rehabilitation.

Since its inception UPASNA has grown leaps and bound, it has built a name for itself in the Dallas Fort worth metropolis. It has grown in size from few families in 2012 to many hundred members in 2015. UPASNA has been able to position itself as an organization that blend social activities with educational and cultural activities.

UPASNA’s 2 renowned committees: UPASNA Sangeet Samiti (USS) and UPASNA Scholar Development Committee (USDC) have been talk of the town.

USS have catered needs and provided a platform for professional and starters who are passionate about music to showcase their talents. USS has its own instruments, music system and is fully capable to perform at any level. USS have a dedicated music instructor who helps out the members with their practice. USS has performed at various public, private event and parties in the metropolis. USS has performed at Dallas Indian Lions Club annual event, IANT Anand Bazaar, Gandhi peace walk and has an invitation to perform at Asian Festival.

On the other hand USDC is focused on helping kids and parents to achieve success and realize full potential. USDC is comprised of Doctors (PhD.) from various renowned universities, industry professionals, Board certified Doctors (MD). USDC runs scholarships to support and encourage kids, USDC also on regular basis Conduct College planning seminars and quizzes to help parents and kids make sound, educated and well informed decisions. It is an opportunity for parents to ask and discuss freely their concerns with professors and students who have been through this stage and get firsthand information. USDC invites speakers from Yale, Stanford, Columbia, Harvard, UT Austin, UTD, etc. UPASNA had conducted multiple College planning seminars at UTD which was attended by over 200 kids and parents.

UPASNA with its growing members is always trying to meets its objectives of:

• UPASNA shall serve and fulfill the educational, cultural, and social needs of Indian Diaspora.
• UPASNA shall coordinate and cooperate with other community organizations in programs and activities of mutual interest.
• UPASNA shall raise funds by soliciting, and collecting donations either directly or in cooperation with other not-for-profit organizations for cultural, educational, and charitable purposes form individuals, corporations, foundations or/and grants.
• UPASNA shall act as a spokesperson for the community.

As with any nonprofit organization, it is always the support of generous supporters like you that play an important role in their success. We would like to reiterate that we are a growing organization, we have the tolls and we have the momentum to make a difference in the lives of our present and coming generations.





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Copyright ©2025 Uttareeya Pradesh Antarashtriya Samiti of North America


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